Friday, November 10, 2006

Are you currently taking resveratrol?

Welcome to the Resveratrol Network's users blog. Please share with us your experiences and opinions regarding resveratrol!


At 9:59 PM, Blogger MT said...

I am so excited about the resveratrol news that came out in early AND mid November (ie. the life extension and endurance increase studies). I have been taking resveratrol for about 3 years. I began taking resveratrol after the 'yeast' life extension news in 2003. Anyway, I truly believe there is something to this. I am aging very slowly. People I meet think I am 5 - 10 years younger than I am. I also have a lot more energy than my friends. Is this because of the resveratrol? I believe it is. I take a 50 mg pill per day with a meal and also drink a glass or two of red wine per day. I also drink 10 to 16 oz. of concord grape juice per day. Resveratrol, in my opinion, will prove to be the biggest health story of the past few hundred years. When I say that I believe I'm being conservative...Great Site!!!

At 10:59 AM, Blogger MT said...

Thanks for the post Charles. I also believe that Resveratrol (and other Sirtuin expressing compounds) are a Large part of the future of medicine. I take resveratrol every day and have noted that I have more endurance since I began taking it. I make sure the resveratrol I buy is protected in an airtight capsule, protected from heat, and from light. As a stock market investor I want to invest in a company that is going to capitalize on the benefits of resveratrol. I see this story Exploding in the next five years!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger brad said...

Considering all the different formulations and products from which resveratrol is derrived, how does one comapre the numerous products for quality and cost?

The studies done in the Harvard studies indicate that the mice were administered resveratrol dosage equal to approximately 100 servings of red wine per day. What is the maximum safe dosage of resveratrol for active males?

If anyone knows the answers to these questions, please refer me to the respective sources for this information.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger MT said...

Great question Brad,
I take about 400 mg of trans-resveratrol per day. This is because David Sinclair, the Harvard scientist, leading much of the amazing resveratrol research, takes a dosage of 5mg/2.2 pounds of body weight. At my weight of 180 pounds, this is equivalent to 400 mg. of resveratrol per day. Also, as reported in the New York Times, Dr.Sinclair reported that this dosage, 5mg/2.2 pounds of body weight, made mice live longer and healthier lives (so it is an effective dosage).

At 3:03 PM, Blogger usascholar said...

My name is Anthony Loera from , and I take 2 grams a day.

I have read the bioavailbility study, and small dosages really aren't found as much in human plasma as they are in the mice...

basically, if you are serious about Resveratrol, you need to read up on it, and purchase an amount that makes sense for your body.

I believe 350mg or 500mg capsules are probably the best way to go.

But what you really need to do, is read a bit more about it. you can start at and enter 'Resveratrol'. It really has a good amount of information on it.


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

News just keeps getting better, I see a company called Biogin in China is stepping up production of resveratrol based on a growing demand in the US.

I've lost weight with resveratrol.. It does indeed have a weight loss component.

I've found a high potency provider here: resveratrol

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Paul said...

I also take 300 mg/day, but split my consumption into 3, 100 mg doses with each meal. Like Vitamin C, resveratrol has a relatively short half life in the blood stream, which suggests to me that a multiple doses/day regimen may be more effective. I also take 500 mg/day (once a day) of Quercetin, which is another great anti-oxidant which extends the half life of the resveratrol in your blood stream.. It is my understanding quercetin also stimulates the body to produce the desired SIRT1 enzyme. I have been on this regimen for about 12 months and I think it is really helping me loose my belly roll, and improving the lean to fat (BMI)ratio in my body. Can't say anything about the long term health affects. I haven't had any serious flu/cold incidents in the past year. I had one 2-3 day cold. In the past these things have dragged on for a week or more with me.

At 12:56 AM, Blogger MT said...

How about the results of the recent mice studies saying that humans need the equivalent of 15mg of resveratrol per day to basically treat type 2 diabetes. Even a little resveratrol goes a long way it seems. This is good news for wine drinkers, grape eaters, and resveratrol supplement takers!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger JMF said...

you stated that "Sinclair" takes 5mg/2.2 pounds per body weight.
Can you tell me where you got that info?


At 2:01 PM, Blogger jmf2 said...


At 1:49 PM, Blogger MT said...

Siclair's dosage comment was in the NY Times. He stated his dosage amount in kg's instead of pounds however.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger MT said...

To clarify, Sinclair stated in the New York Times that he takes 5 mg/kg of body weight/day. A body weight of 180 lbs. would equate to 400 mg. of resveratrol per day. For the mice, this was an effective dosage and is easily obtainable through oral ingestion of resveratrol supplements.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger terry said...

I have been taking a resveratrol supplement since 2/04. But now I read that Quercetin, which was added to the supplement I started with, actually blocks the recirculation of resverarol metabolites leaving the liver (Medical News Today, 11/14/07, "Biotivia Has Dramatically Increased the Bio Availablitiy of Oral Resveratrol.") On 11/06 I did switch to a cheaper brand that also used the required Pfizer Licaps process without the Quercetin. The newer more bio available product from Biotivia will cost me about three times what I am now paying for a daily 200 mg Licaps tablet. Research on resveratrol is improving our awareness of this supplement's potential, but we seem to be decades away from a clear picture with usage guidelines. If customers develop any serious reactions to a recommended product, this product will loose momentum.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger MT said...

Great points Terry. I read the same article about quercetin blocking resveratrol metabolites - very interesting considering quercetin has been touted as a great way to boost resveratrol's bioavailability in the bloodstream. Because of this, I currently take 200 mg of resveratrol per day without the quercetin; Resveratrol IS the proven ingredient so I am going to stick with that.
I believe the key to picking a supplement is to pick one that is independently tested for purity and potency. Best.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger jmf2 said...

Terry or i

what product are you taking that offers 200mg of res in a licap form? and does that come in a powder or liquid.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger MT said...

I currently take 4 50mg pills in a power form per day. I do this to spread out the Resveratrol in my bloodsteam just in case it's high bioavailability decreases its potency (I personally don't think it matters much because the resveratrol metabolites make up for the rapid bioavailability). Of course, more studies are on the way and I will adjust my regimen based on those studies.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger MT said...

I meant to say Resveratrol's Low bioavailability

At 11:52 PM, Blogger terry said...

I am currently taking Nutraceutical Science Institute's Longevatrol Stabilized polyphenod Complex, a 200 mg Licap daily. They cost 0.42.

Today, I have decided to change my regime to's regime of one Trasmax (500 mg) and one Biofonte (250mg) per day at a cost of 1.30 per day. This is my best guess on what might work among the currently available resveratrol based longevity formulas.

I estimate the chances of being wrong on this are high. But if I would have invested in David Sinclair's Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, Inc (NASDAQ: SIRT) in about June when it was offered to the public at 10, I would have doubled my money by now as it is currently priced at 20. The future is a wild an unknowable fronter.

At 1:13 AM, Blogger MT said...

This dosage (750 mg) is about double what Sinclair was taking after the mice studies - so it should be potent! I know that Consumer Lab tested a Biotivia product and it lived up to its advertised resveratrol potency - which is good news. Good luck on your new regimen. By the way, SIRT is back down at $16 per share. I own some and am planning on buying some more. I truly believe that Sirtuin activators (natural ones like resveratrol and synthetic ones like what SIRT is producting) have a very bright future in medicine. One side note, just because a synthetic ativator is 1000 times more potent than resveratrol does not mean it is any healthier or safer for humans. If say 500 mg/day of resveratrol turns out to be the optimal level for an average human, this dosage can easily be consumed in one pill per day. Even if the optimal dosage was 2,000 mg per day, this could be consumed in two pills per day. Best regards.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger terry said...

I just discovered that back in November of 2005 an article was written in "Cell" claiming that by deleting the SIR2 gene in yeast, worms and fruit flies, their live span is extended about 6 times. This is nearly the opposite of exciting the gene with resveratrol. Goggle "Valter Longo, SIR2" and read what he and other molecular geneticists at the Univ. of S. CA have found. The Science Daily article is the easiest to follow. But I cannot seem to find any follow-up to that 11/05 published paper. This seems to be a scary contrary development that I would hope the researchers at Sirtris Pharmaceuticals have later resolved?

At 8:24 PM, Blogger atti said...

I take resveratrol in an isotonic form which is much more potent and is absorbed faster than any pill form. Does anyone know the effects of hpv with resveratrol?

At 12:27 AM, Blogger MT said...

Atti, what is resveratrol in its isotonic form? By hpv, do you mean the virus that causes cervical cancer - If so, I haven't heard any information regarding this. I have read that resveratrol treats herpes sores when applied topically however. All the best.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Jeopardy Janet said...

Like atti, I also take Resveratrol in an isotonic form. One serving per day is 3.3g. The product is in powder form and one capful is mixed with 2 oz. of water to create an isotonic fluid. This means that it is the same tone or pressure as your bodily fluids. It does not need to be digested in the stomach like a pill and passes through to the small intestine for absorption. It has a high bioavailability rate - 90-95%. It is a product through Market America distributors and was introduced this past August. You can learn more about the product at Just enter "Resveratrol" in the search window. Hope this helps.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger MT said...

Interesting post Janet. Also a unique way to ingest resveratrol would be through a transdermal patch - kind of like a nicotine patch - it would give a measured dose of resveratrol over a period of time. Has anyone tried or heard of one of these?

At 2:04 PM, Blogger John said...

I am also a Resveratrol consumer. I did some research for several months before I decided to take it. I also visited a few resveratrol supplement websites before deciding to purchase.
Research seemed to indicate the amount of resveratrol needed to activate the SIRT gene is 15mg. Even though it doesn’t appear to be toxic to people in large dosage, “some research implies there could be problems if it’s taken in excess” according to an article in L.A. Times. “Resveratrol has been shown to mimic the action of estrogen in some situations and block it in others. Similarly, in low concentrations, resveratrol has been shown to stimulate angiogenesis –growth of new blood vessels—while at high concentrations it can have the opposite effect”.

I have tried 100mg. dosage and now have switched to Resvantage. It is 15mg. and I can control the dosage daily. I also feel a physical difference, having more mental acuity with Resvantage that I was not getting from others. The gelatin capsules are also smaller than the others which makes it easier to consume and they are protected against oxygen and light, which has shown to degrade resveratrol. I also found the Resvantage website ( to be very helpful with research and education. They have links to many research sites that have helped out plenty. Just go to their “Resveratol in the news” links.

I hope this helps out if you are thinking about taking a resveratrol supplement in the near future.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger MT said...

Thanks for the comment John; I'm going to check out the sight.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger MT said...

Can Resveratrol treat type 2 Diabetes? It seems that science is beginning to answer that question and the futre looks very bright for this small but amazing molecule. The buring question is how much resveratrol is needed to treat diabetes? In a study released by Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, 2.5 grams was effective in lowering glucose in type 2 diabetic patients (and 2.5 gram and 5 gram dosages had no substantial side effects in the human patients - very good news!). For convenience and cost sake however, will a dosage of less than 2.5 grams work? It seems as though it will based on previous mouse studies; we are still waiting on human studies to reveal just how low the resveratrol dosage needs to be to activate sirtuins. One study revealed that it could be as low as 15 mg/day. We will have to wait and see. As for me, I will continue to take 200 mg per day until I find out I need to take more or less.

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Genesis is the drink containing all the resveratrol you need!!!!

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have lost 25 pounds using the product. My friends dad lost 57 lbs, his aunt dropped 22 points in her blood pressure and his high school wrestling coach dropped 15 points in his blood sugar level. he is a type 2 diabetic. resveratrol is a miracle molecule and will be a household name soon.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger doyle said...

I have read all the comments and found them to be very interesting and informative. My reason for looking into taking it is for high cholesterol, I read this in the newspaper. But no one seems to be taking it for that reason. Does anyone have any information on this?

At 6:27 PM, Blogger John said...

Hello Doyle,

I have friends whom have significantly lowered their cholesterol levels.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Thanks John for the referral to the resvantage resveratrol supplememt. I'm taking it now and it has really made a difference. The other product I was on was in pill form and although claiming to have 25mgs. I did not feel anythig at all. I heard a NPR story where they tested alot of these supplements and they had only small amounts as compared to the manufacturers claims. I was obviously taking one of these duds. I do feel like I have increased energy on this one; (resvantage) though. I know that you don't necessarily have to feel anything for it to be working; I mean how do you feel your liver or heart or brain. But the fact that I got the energy rush at least has me convinced that it is probably going to all these things it's been indicated for and I'm not taking a placebo.

At 1:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...



At 12:42 PM, Blogger John said...

Hello Julian,

I’m sure this product is a good product. However, how are they protecting the resveratrol form oxidation once the bottle is open? This is why I believe Resvantage has the highest quality resveratrol in the market. It looks like they have taken all the steps and procedures to protect the resveratrol. Until someone else comes up with similar encapsulation process, I will continue to take Resvantage.
As mentioned by Jeffrey, a few blogs above, there was a great story on NPR about the oxidation of resveratrol and how some of the manufactures’ claims were not accurate. You should look into this.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Thanks Julien and John,
I had read (I think in wikipedia and maybe elsewhere)that resveratrol was a highly volatile molecule that degraded rather quickly with exposure to light or oxygen. And so I didn't want to be taking something that was thought to be good for me but actually had very little impact on my health. Imagine taking a supplement for a number of years thinking that it was doing everything positive that all the research claims and finding out that you weren't getting the benefits of it. It would be a huge betrayal and you couldn't go back in time to rectify this. So I'm really pleased to now be taking one by a manufacturer that has focused on the one issue that others haven't; i.e. the preservation of the main ingredient, the resveratol. I'm sure these other manufacturers mean well and start out with an active resveratrol but it's downhill from there. From my research into this, and it makes sense, I believe that everything is in the encapsulation/preservatiion of the compound so I'm really comfortable where I am now with Resvantage resveratrol.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Dennis said...

I have been taking resveratrol from Biotivia for almost a year. Overall, I haven't noticed any effect at all. No weight loss, no increased energy. My health is pretty good, so my goal is to keep it that way. I plan on continuing taking it, but will monitor this forum and may change brands if something looks really good.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Hi Dennis,
It would seem to me that you would want to try another manufacturer if only to compare how you feel on another brand. I have no opinion as to whether the one you are taking is bioactive or not but I personally would want to hedge my bets. I do feel an energy boost and better mental acuity so I don't have to go through this exercise.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

About two weeks ago, I started taking 500 mg a day of bioforte. How long does it take to notice any effects? There seems to be a lot of conflicting news about the best brand and dosage is - can someone clear this up, if possible?
Also, why do brands like Resvantage come in 15mg capsules while most others come in at least 100mg capsules?
And while I’m at it, if I’m taking resveratrol should I continue to take my other anti-oxidant formula and vitamin supplements?

At 6:40 AM, Blogger charlie said...

I started using a 10mg preparation of resveratrol about 2 weeks ago. So far I have observed a 100% increase in my muscular endurance during exercise, improved circulation in my legs(my ankles would be swollen at the end of the day)with no more swelling. I have increased energy(I would turn off the alarm and fall back to sleep. Now I turn it off and get out of bed and get ready for work. I have also observed a reduction in my migraine headaches. I take 1 tablet daily but now I am increasing to 2 times a day, to benefit from the anti inflammatory properties in the hope of reducing the frequency of the headaches.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

This is sort of directed to Thane,
Regarding the amount of resveratrol, have a look at Charles' comments today. He is functioning better on 10mg while you feel nothing at 500mg. Maybe the one he's taking is more bioavailable than the one you're taking. There might be another explanation though and that is that everybodys physiologies are different and so simply you might not feel anything noticeable and he does. In any event, I researched this a bit before taking the Resvantage resveratrol supplement and here's what I got. According to a recent study, 15mg is all that is necessary to get its biological effects. (see WebMD Oct 2, 2007 "Red wine compound may curb Diabetes" for 'hard' data on this).
Then as far as mega doses such as you are on, have a look at an article that appeared in the LA Times whereby a researcher states that too much might have adverse effects.,1,1796326.story?coll=la-headlines-health
Maybe you should try another brand and cut your doseage. The beauty of the smaller doseage is that you can take these more than once a day which is good because it stays in your system more evenly than one mega-dose. Resveratrol has a very short half-life in the system so a few smaller doses to keep it flowing in you evenly and keep the gene activated, I think indicates that the flexibility of delivery is just as important as how much you're taking. At 500mgs. you don't have this. As Charles states, he is going to two 10mgs a day and at that he's still not in way over his head. One other comment relative to you feeling anything or not, and that's that you don't necessarily take resveratrol to feel anything like an energy boost or mood lift. It's great when you do get these benefits like Charles did and I have as well but you're really taking it for what you don't feel like your heart, brain, liver etc. So if you do cut down and even out the delivery and hop onto a bioactive brand, I wouldn't stop taking it because "you don't feel anything". In all probability it is doing what it is supposed to do.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger usascholar said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger usascholar said...

I agree, I have been taken 2 grams of resveratrol since october of 2006, and it won't make you feel like you have taken a loaded cup of coffee, or any jitters.

It actually makes you feel better over time. It takes somewhere between 3-6 weeks, and at this stage you can look back and see an improvement in overall outlook, and health.

If you are looking for an immediate stimulant, resveratrol is not going to do it for you. Resveratrol works slowly. It works cell by cell, and in a late study helps protect the mitochondria.

Systems like this take time to work through the body, and is not meant to go directly to the brain and act a stimulant.

Latest prices for over 80 products are found here in a public forum. Because it is public, you can help edit the price list and ask questions about resveratrol from people who take different amounts.


I hope you find what your looking for.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Elina said...

Does anybody know if prignant woman can take resveratrol? Does is react in anyway with Synthroid?

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Elina said...

Does anybody know if pregnant woman can take resveratrol and how does it react with synthroid?

At 12:03 PM, Blogger charlie said...

Resveratrol can act as an estrogen blocker. So this decrease in oestrogen may have adverse effects on the developing foetus(sexual differentiation) and on your bodily changes needed for a successful pregnancy and also breastfeedeing. Resveratrol is not recommended for pregnant women.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You need to be very careful about claims on the various web sites. With resveratrol, you have a strange mix of hard data from some of the best scientists in the business with fly by night businessmen trying to make a quick buck off fools. When I checked up on Biotiva's claims about bioavailability, I could find no hard evidence behind that claim. I do not believe there is any substance to that claim. On the issue of quercetin use we do have hard data. Resveratrol is normally converted by adding either sulfate or glucouronide. Quercetin shifts the metabolism toward the glucouronide and away from the sulfate. This shift makes the metabolism in humans more like the mouse. The discussion about quercetin revolves around whether you think the sulfate or the glucouronide is the active metabolite. That has not been settled as far as I can tell. However, quercetin itself has a huge scientific favorable literature also. Just go up on and so a search

At 9:09 AM, Blogger charlie said...

I have just found out that niacin (vitamin B3)inhibits sirtuin activation. If this is true then B3 should not be used with resveratrol.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Dennis said...

I read Snuffym's comment that he doubted Biotivia's claims about bioavailability. What do you base that on? Any suggestions of brands with proven bioavailability? Again what should I use to judge?

At 2:41 PM, Blogger AllGoodThings said...

I just wrote to Readers Digest about an appalling article in the April 2008 issue regarding Resveratrol (page 48 - Eternal Youth in a Pill). The article states that drug companies are now trying to engineer a Resveratrol pill that they can sell to the public. Even though Resveratrol is found in nature, the article states that 'supplements are not proven to have benefits'. Now, how illogical is this. Resveratrol is found in nature; drug companies cannot make money from a supplement so they're going to create a pill from those same supplements. I doubt if RD will print my response however I gave them a website with not one, not ten but 62 clinical studies regarding the success of Resveratrol and the reasoning why taking it in an isotonic form with its extremely high proven bioavailability makes sense. . On that same page there is a 'Product Demo' button that explains the product and the Isotonic concept.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger MT said...

I agree allgoodthings. It is in Sirtris's best interest to downplay the benefits of resveratrol because they can't patent a natural substance. Hopefully some positive human based studies are close to completion (aside from Sirtris studies on SRT-501 - which is basically resveratrol). I'm comfident that resveratrol will have similar benefits in humans as it did it mice. Hopefully some studies are on the way to prove this once and for all!!!

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Brutus said...

I am so impressed woth resveratrol that I've started taking it. It feels good and I'm constantly working on the anti-aging effects of oxidation in my body. I also take Isotonix(R) OPC-3. That is also a super antioxidant. I have invested my time with a company that keep my ideals in mind. It's worth taking time out to check it out. Or just copy and past this link for a direct link -

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Andrea J said...

HI everyone! I am so excited that you are aware of the amazing benfits of resveratrol. I truly believe that it is a miracle molecule. I work with a company (the only company that I know of,) that had successfully standardized resveratrol in a liquid form. The name of the product is Genesis. By drinking just one ounce of Genesis you get the same amount of resveratrol as one whole bottle of red wine. Plus 19 other whole foods such as grape, apple, olive leaf, and aloe! It even tastes great too (kind of like grape juice.) I have worked with this company (Symmetry Direct) for almost a year and had so many stories of people who were diabetic who are no longer insulin dependent. People suffering from cancer are recovering. People are even loosing weight just by taking Genesis. I know that resveratrol pills are good, but cannot be as easily absorbed as a liquid. I would recommend anyone to go to my website and watch the Genesis video on the homepage. It will blow your mind. Please write back if you have any questions. Thanks,

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Andrea J said...

My last post might not have added my website as a link. If not, just copy and paste the address to your web browser.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger John said...

I am sure your drink company has good intentions. However, Resveratrol is a VERY volatile molecule which oxidizes and turns from trans to sis form. It has been shown to happen in only a few minutes once it has been exposed to oxygen or light. So my question is; how is it being protected while it is being bottled and how do you further protect the molecule once you open the bottle?

Consumers are very educated and have easy access to many studies. You should read through the blog and find a product that has put the effort of protecting the molecule during extraction, encapsulation and while encapsulated.

Good luck.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was diagnose with testicular cancer back in Oct 2007. I had a massive tumor on my right testicle. Doctors told me after they took the tumor out I would have to have another surgery because there is a great chance the cancer spread to my lower lymph nodes then chemo therapist to kill any other cancer cells lingering around. They removed the tumor then had lower lymph nodes dissection. In the process of everything I was taking this amazing product called Genesis that contains massive amount of resveratrol. I saturated my body with this product and by the time I was done with my lower lymph node dissection surgery the doctors told me that surgery wasn’t necessary my body had no sign of cancer. I went to my 3 month check and STILL CANCER FREE. The resveratrol in Genesis juice saved my life and stop from going under chemo and other harmful surgeries. I became a Nutrition Specialist because I believe in resveratrol in the Genesis Juice. My company website for this amazing juice is I also have my story @ Don’t wait Genesis with Resveratrol will save your life!!! It did for me!!

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Andrea J said...

Resveratrol is a very volatile molecule and should be treated with care. If Genesis would be placed in a clear glass bottle the molecule would be destroyed. BUT ITS NOT! Genesis is in a patented white plastic bottle with the company label fully surrounding it. Therefore, it is not hindered by light. Additionally, it is sealed with an air tight cap and seal that will not allow oxygen into the bottle, as long as you put the cap on when you are finished. Also, I think that resveratrol pills are a good idea if they would have more than 2% of resveratrol in them. Companies are putting in 250mg or more of grape skin, seed and/or kudzu root but have not extracted the resveratrol. I am glad that everyone on this blog sees the benefits of resveratrol, but I really believe that Genesis is the best way to get it. Check out my webpage for more details.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger charlie said...

Journal of Medicinal Food
Resveratrol and Its Glycon Piceid Are Stable Polyphenols


To cite this paper:
Jiri Prokop, Petr Abrman, Allen L. Seligson, Milos Sovak. Journal of Medicinal Food. March 1, 2006, 9(1): 11-14. doi:10.1089/jmf.2006.9.11.


Jiri Prokop
1Interpharma Praha, a.s., Prague, Czech Republic.
Petr Abrman
1Interpharma Praha, a.s., Prague, Czech Republic.
Allen L. Seligson
Biophysica Research, San Diego, La Jolla, California.
Milos Sovak
Biophysica Research and University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California.
Plant extracts containing phytopolyphenols, including resveratrol, are extensively used as nutraceutical supplements. Recent reports allege their lack of stability at ambient conditions. We have studied the stability of resveratrol and its glycon piceid in a mixture with a whole grape extract for 2 years (long-term stability) under Good Manufacturing Practice pharmaceutical protocols (at 60% humidity and 25°C). The neat compounds were followed for 4 years under conditions of "accelerated stability," at 75% humidity and 40°C, all in the presence of ambient air. Chromatographic analysis did not detect any instability, thus disproving the claims to the opposite. No storage precautions are necessary for these nutritional supplements.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger MT said...

Thanks for the post Charlie. I certainly hope resveratrol is a stable compond. That would make the cost of production, delivery, and packaging go down - therefore making resveratrol products cheaper for consumers. It would also expand the scope of products resveratrol could be added to. Maybe the world will be eating resveratrol infused foods and drinking resveratrol infused drinks in the near future. Lets hope the social security administration is aware of what's about to happen!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Brutus said...

Well, you may or may not know, it's already available in a drink. It's ISOTONIX (Iso = Same) (Tonic = Pressure). Once mixed with water, it is the same pressure as your blood, sweat, tears, and saliva. 95% goes into your blood stream within 5 minutes.
Read up on it. It makes sense. The proof is in the science.
Cut and paste the link;

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I was so excited to see the Barbara Walters special last night about Resveratrol and it's anti-aging process. I have been taking a supplement OPC+ for 6 months and feel that my energy has increased, I have warded off the flu and cold, lost weight and just feel great! I have also given this product to many friends who have had amazing results with joint pain, lowering their blood pressure, cholerstrol and so much more. I take a grape seed extract product called OPC+ it is in a powder form that you take with water and gives 30mg a day along with all of your OPC's. You can find it for sale at

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

I haven't had much of a reason to comment on anything for a while, nor have I had much time, but with the Readers Digest article and the Barbara Walters Special and all these hawkers of their own resveratrol brands all over this blog, I feel like I should give my opinion to try to clear up a few misconceptions out there. First, let's take the comments about the Readers Digest article voiced by allgoodthings. You're right it is 'appalling' to think that a synthesized form of resveratrol created by a drug company would be superior to the all natural form found in nature. Each have their place however. To begin with, they are trying (with this super synthesized resveratrol) to cure or reverse a disease like Alzheimer's that has already manifested itself in someone and need large therapeutic doses that are unavailable in nature. This gives great hope for somebody in the early stages of the disease as well as to the families of the afflicted. A chemical drug at these intensities will most certainly have side effects but probably to a lesser degree than the effects of the affliction, so there will be a trade-off but doing more good than bad. You or I don't need these quantities and take the natural form in non therapeutic quantities for preventative reasons. This is great for us too and there are no side effects with a reasonable dose. What is a reasonable dose? Studies have shown that 15mgs is what it takes to activate the SIRT 1 gene and thats what I take, resvantage twice a day at 12hour intervals so that I keep up the activation. I have heard that when you get into the 100 plus dosages, there are indeed side effects which are not threatening but can detract from the overall benefits derived from taking resveratrol in the first place. These don't come into play at 15mgs.
Given the above, the larger doses feel alot like a commercial ploy by makers of resveratrol pills in order to try to achieve brand superiority and get recognized for their larger doses and hence sell more of their product.

Now that the Barbara Walters "Live to 150" Special has been aired, the sellers are again coming out of the woodwork to hawk their respective brands. The drinks are complete hype. The nation is awash in nutritional drinks these days and manufacturers making unsubstantiated claims about them.

Regardless of the comments a few entries prior to mine, resveratrol does degrade with exposure to oxygen and light. This is another reason I take the brand I do. The resveratrol is encapsulated in an oxygen free environment in opaque capsules protecting them from both elements.

I recently recommended this product to a friend who suffers from type 2 Diabetes and because of resveratrol's insulin resistance countering abilities, her A1C levels have dropped to her pre diabetic levels. She also had a reduction in blood pressure which was a problem for her as well because of an earlier thyriod cancer condition.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As a scientist, I am very excited to see resveratrol in the news.

A very important component is the bioavailability of the product that you take and how fast it metabolizes. The best form to take is an isotonic form.

Basically, it is a powder that is mixed with water and is taken first thing in the morning. It has the same density as your blood, sweat and tears so the body immediately sends it to the small intestine and bypasses the large intestine. This is critical as most large intestines today are compromised and unable to process a pill or capsule in the right timeframe. Why not get the most benefit out of the product that you take? You can purchase the isotonix form of resveratrol at

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Lovetta said...

Has anyone experienced a burning sensation taking resveratrol? I have psoriasis and after taking 325 mg 2 days the area where I have psoriasis was burning like fire. After the 3rd day my skin did not burn anymore and most of the psoriasis was gone. I do feel like I have more energy and very happy that my skin is clearing up.

At 11:50 PM, Blogger MT said...

Has the resveratrol 'cured' your psoriasis? It does seem to work on other skin ailments.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John-I weigh 220 lbs. and am taking 3000 mg. resveratrol a day to mimic the resveratrol/weight ratio in the mice studies . Have been doing so for a year now. Have not experienced any side effects . I take 1000 mg. tree times a day .

At 10:28 PM, Blogger MT said...

J Barrow, I was just wondering, have you gone to the doctor since starting this regimen? How are your numbers? Good bad cholesterol, blood sugar, heart rate etc?

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

If you would like to try a sample, our company offers a 5 day sample of OPC+ which is a powder antioxidant, all natural no binders or fillers. It is made of Grape seed extract, Bilberry extract, Pine wood Bark and of course we included 15mg of Resvertrol starting in December.
There is no cost for this sample, absolutely free. Check it out! Just fill out our survey on the left hand side of the website. We have amazing results and some people feel joint pain relief and energy within their first couple of days!

At 4:48 PM, Blogger MT said...

It is clearly in Sirtris's interest to stretch the truth about how much resveratrol you need to see "benefits" as there is a greatly diminished need for their products if people can get effective dosage and "benefits" from taking high quality supplements. Maybe they sold out so soon because they saw the writing on the wall? Their proprietary formulation of resveratrol SRT501 can be sold as a dietary supplement as opposed to a drug (as it is basically just resveratrol) - however, they would not make as much money. Further, is there a need for their 'novel' sirtuin activators if resveratrol works for humans as it does in mice?

At 6:14 PM, Blogger John said...

Jbarrow, I think Jeffrey sums it up in his comment above (8:34pm) by saying “each have their place” he’s talking about the drug and supplement. J also has a good point. If I can get a high quality and high dosage NATURAL resveratrol over the counter, why do I need to go to my doctor and have him prescribe me a drug like SRT501.In any event, all I am saying is if I don’t have diabetes or heart disease and I am not trying to reverse any disease, why should I risk my health by taking a high dosage like 3000mg when studies have shown that 15mg activates the SIRT family of genes. I am just doing preventive care and thus far all my blood work in the past year (every 6 months) shows that the 15mg is helping my health by reducing my LDL (which I’m now am off Lipitor and other medications) and other ailments . I think if people are looking to do the same thing that I am doing (preventive care), a high quality resveratrol like Resvantage or others can help us achieve a healthy extended life .

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I started taking 2000 mg/day of resveratrol. My insulin requirements are already down 50%.
My appetite is not as great.

A large amount of resveratrol is a laxative.

At 12:25 AM, Blogger MT said...

Thanks for the post Larry...Maybe the laxative effect of the resveratrol is a result of its emodin content. I think you can purchase resveratrol with no emodin. Good luck on your continued good health!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am 25 & weigh about 100 lbs. so what would be a good dosage for me? I read about 15mg but is that 15mg X 3 times per day? Or 15mg/day???

Also, I bought some Red Wine Extract at Walmart, does anyone know if these pills will be more effective than natural consumption of resveratrol (grapes, peanuts, red wine)??? Thanks in advance!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Do raisins have a significant amount of resveratrol (if any)?

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Brittany said...

According to Dr. Mark Crapo, resveratrol cannot be measured in mg's. So, what are all these companies selling?? Usually if your taking a pill it is flax seed.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger MT said...

Red Wine Extract may or may not have resveratrol in it (depending on the brand the manufacuturing process and ingredients used etc). If I were purchasing resveratrol I would purchase a product that explicitly says the amount of resveratrol offered in each pill.
I have read before that raisens do not have that much resveratrol in them if any. To consume resveratrol I would eat grapes, peanuts etc., drink red wine, and take dietary supplements from a reputable company.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


Thanks so much! Very helpful information!


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Hi All,

I couldn't help to read with interest your experience with resveratrol and add that recently there has been a lot of media coverage based on recent studies using low doses of resveratrol.

It seemed that everybody came out of the box flying as far as dose was concerned and were and continue to hyper dose resveratrol trying to simulate the same amounts as in the mice studies. All the manufacturers upped the mgs in their offerings to compete against one another for market share.

Nothing could have been the more wrong thing to do. The American propensity to rationalize that 'if a little is good, a lot must be better' has been proven false with the recent studies. We've seen a similar circumstance recently concerning Vitamin E.

In fact, resveratrol is a known copper chelator and copper is necessary for the production of collagen. So creating a copper deficit in your system is not an intelligent thing to do. In fact, there have been cases reported of achilles tendonitis from hyper dosing resveratrol. And what is hyperdosing? Probably more than 100 mgs. daily which the studies have shown is about 7 times more than one needs for the biological effectiveness of resveratrol. Let's put it this way; Anything more than 15mgs. at a time is senseless.

One product, Resvantage, refused to join the 'mad dosage scramble' in order to compete for market share. They manufacture a 15mg liquid resveratrol supplement which is encapsulated in an oxygen free environment to insure the integrity of the resveratrol.
The current low-dose studies have showed that they did the right thing.

I am personally an enthusiast because I have seen Resvantage enhance my exercise endurance and lower my cholesterol (by 37 pionts over a 5 month period). My mental acuity is also far better than it was previous to my taking Resvantage and I'm sleeping better.
I take one capsule twice a day at 12 hour intervals; breakfast and dinner, because resveratrol has a reasonably short half-life and I want to insure that it's coursing through my blood pretty consistently, day and night.

The hyper dosers would be wise to re-think their strategies. Problems caused by excessive supplement dosing don't show up right away and they could be doing irreparable harm to themselves.

Here are write-ups of the recent studies:

1. Business Week - Low Doses of Red Wine Chemical May Fight Diabetes, October 02,2008.

2. Science Daily - Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep Hearts Young, June 08, 2008

At 11:23 AM, Blogger sportssnorts said...

i seem to never be able to find a dose versus source ratio in any discussion or blog on resveratrol...does anyone know the following:
1) how many dark or black grapes does it take to ingest, say, 400 mgs. of resveratrol?
2) blueberries?
3) peanuts? etc.

in other words, does anybody KNOW, yes KNOW, conversely, how many mgs of resveratrol are in 20 dark grapes?

this has seemed a natural question in discussions of resveratrol for over two years but it seems nobody ever (and inexplicably) discusses the amount of resveratrol one can get from its multiple sources...
perhaps i'm crazy but it seems anybody who is eating grapes or blueberries without asking this question is clueless...

again, does anybody KNOW the answer to my queries and can anyone who professes to know cite to their source material?



At 11:26 AM, Blogger sportssnorts said...


a second question...i can't seem to determine what date any of your time stamps is from...
charles at 9:59...

9:59 when? what day, year? is this post still active (or can it be that all these posts are as of today, June 18????

granted, i'm not much of a blogger but if the answer is easily evident and i just missed it, i apologize...


At 4:33 PM, Blogger MT said...

Hi Paul,
Look at the "Sources of Resveratrol" page on You will find the resveratrol amount for a cup of red grapes. As far as I know, muscadine grapes have the most resveratrol in them by far.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger MT said...

Hi Paul,
Look at the "Sources of Resveratrol" page on You will find the resveratrol amount for a cup of red grapes. As far as I know, muscadine grapes have the most resveratrol in them by far.

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Trevorz said...

Finally the media caught up the scientific studies of a drink I have been using for more than 7 years, if I am aloud to say the name it is symmetry direct genesis one of the highest standardized Resveratrol non-alcoholic drink. You can understand my excitement when I saw the media started to report their Resveratrol findings. Let’s hope more Doctors start looking in this direction. By the way I look and feel a lot younger than 47 and I intend to keep it that way. Note we will hear a lot more about the combination of Two Miracle Molecules: Ellagic Acid and Resveratrol.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger bob said...

I am using a product called vital fruits it contains resveratrol and one ounce has 4000 orac. a lot of antioxadents. You can find this at

At 8:53 AM, Blogger ksitarek said...

I have not heard of resveratrol until I heard Dr. Sinclair talk just this past week. Dr. Sinclair has partnered with Shaklee to share his knowledge to develop a product called vivix. He stated that many of the products are not 100% natural or that you are getting at least 98% resveratrol, so that you need to make sure that you are getting a pure source. Also there is a "super" grape that scientists have now found and it provides 10x more effective then just resveratrol alone. I am a shaklee independant distributor and I am taking the product vivix and feel great. I don't know yet the long term effectiveness of resveratrol but I know that right now I have more energy. One thirty day supply of vivix is equal to same amount of resveratrol as 3000 glasses of red wine. for more information

At 1:12 AM, Blogger Ash said...

In response to Charles comment about drinking grape juice, there is actually no resveratrol in grape juice, it comes from the seed and skin of the grape and not the flesh of the fruit, so it is processed out. It is also not in every red wine, pinot noir has the highest content. Resveratrol is not found in grapes from friendly climates, it is a chemical grapes produce to protect themselves in harsh climates. Anyway, I have recently found what I believe is the best product out there as a source of resveratrol (1 oz contains as much as a whole bottle of wine) and after only 2 days I have noticed my lifelong anxiety and depression have vanished, I have constant steady energy, and my skin has cleared up considerably, after 2 DAYS! The stuff I'm using comes in a liquid (much like red wine without the alcohol) and tastes pretty much like grape juice with pomegranate. It is called Genesis. If anyone wants to read about it or order some for themselves, go check it out at

I swear if you try it once you'll be hooked, I feel better than I've ever felt since I was a little kid!

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Ash said...

P.S. The Genesis drink is 100% natural, anyway you can read all about it on the site where I order mine

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Health Explosion said...

I am an independent Shaklee distributor, also. I was in New Orleans at the convention and heard Dr. Sinclair speak.
He evidently had already developed a resveratrol product in pharmaceutical form, but it couldn't be marketed for several years due to FDA regulations. Dr. Sinclair then partnered with Shaklee's dr.s and scientists and developed a super food out of resveratrol. It is completely safe, only don't use it on children as it hasn't been tested on them yet.
The only precautions that I know of are to watch blood pressure meds or insulin. The resveratrol is very effective with these diseases and can cause the need for meds to decrease.
One teaspoon a day is all that is recommended. Any more will not benefit in any way. And one teaspoon has the equivalent amount of resveritrol in it as 100 glasses of red wine. Pretty potent stuff, huh?
If you copy and paste this address, you can view a video about the product that Dr. Sinclair and Shaklee produced together.
My experience with it so far is amazing, but I know this comment is already pretty long. I will tell you what has happened to me in my next comment.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one that Shaklee offers seems to have the most MG than what other companies offer, over 1,300 mg of there patent-pending blend.


At 5:21 AM, Blogger Jeffrey Whittaker said...

I started taking a New breakthrough Resveratrol product that is 10X more potent than resveratrol alone. Check out


At 7:09 AM, Blogger bob said...

resveratrol has been proven to work. Drink vital fruits. Has all the antioxidents (4000 orac) the most of any drink on the market, and contains in 1oz the equivalent of drinking 200 glass of red wine. visit

At 12:24 PM, Blogger tonyrx7 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger tonyrx7 said...

Don't expect anymore spectacular research results from Sirtris Pharmaceuticals now that they are under GlaxoSmithKline control. GlaxoSmithKline invested $720 million to buy the rights to this new technology to make sure that it doesn't interere with their existing pipline that's worth much more. Other studies and further research will have better results, if they are not sponsor or paided by parmaceutical companies.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:07 PM, Blogger MT said...

The big question is: How do Big pharmaceutical companies play resveratrol? Resveratrol is Clearly effective in preventing many diseases of aging. Resveratrol is not patentable because it is a natural substance. How do companies take advantage of a game changing molecule that they can't patent? Thank goodness for resveratrol - now EVERYONE can live 10 years longer without paying an arm and a leg! I am very excited.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Just imagine something that is 10X more effective than Resveratrol alone and is already available and IS Patent Pending - because of an extra added grape, that has an extra chromosome, that no one else has, and no other company will be able to acquire for many years at least, since Shaklee purchased all of these grapes from the largest and best growers in the world (which happens to be right here in the good old S/E USA!). Anyway, THAT is what we have and I forgot to mention, since this forum is for Resveratrol Users...I AM taking VIVIX: and have been for 8 weeks now and WOW!!!!! Powerful stuff! For the price of a cup of coffee or a Red Bull (depending where you go) I can potentially FEEL 25 YRS. Younger and LIVE 25 YRS. Longer!!!!!! No pharmaceuticals needed :)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger MT said...

The "added grape" with the extra chromosome is the muscadine grape from the South Eastern United States. I have a few growing in my yard.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Health Explosion said...

Where I live, we've been making jelly out of these muscadines for generations. There's nothing better on a hot biscuit! Maybe that's why our grandparents didn't have as many health problems. They also made muscadine wine. Imagine how potent that was...

At 6:58 PM, Blogger MT said...

Muscadine wines (in moderation:) are Very Healthy. They have large amounts of resveratrol, elegic acid, quercetin etc. The reason is that muscadine grapes MUST have these compounds to protect them from the heat, humidity, fungus, and insects of the South Eastern US.I might have a glass right now come to think of it.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Health Explosion said... you make you own wine? I think the homemade stuff is the most potent.
Of course, the resveratrol needs to be extracted in a certain manner for the best benefits.
Good grief, I sound like a "know it all". My mom would be proud.

At 9:32 PM, Blogger MT said...

I buy the muscadine wine. It is good for sipping after dinner;)

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Building Body said...

What are some of the better companies with Resveratrol, Liquid form?

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Isotonix resveratrol is a liquid form which is also the same osmolity as your body system. This means that is bypasses the large intestine and goes directly to the small intestine for absorption. Isotonic-capable nutritional supplements are simply the most effective means of delivery as they are absorbed rapidly and do not depend the ability and condition of the stomach. Check out and order at

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Jeopardy Janet said...

I'm a distributor for Market America and we have Resveratrol in an Isotonix form (mix powder with water). Information can be found at I have a separate website.


At 9:46 AM, Blogger Health Explosion said...

There is no doubt that Shaklee has the superior form of Resveratrol. It is in a liquid form and one teaspoon has the same amount of resveratrol as 100 glasses of red wine. The name of it is Vivix.
The reason Vivix is superior to other resveratrol supplements is in the science behind it.
Shaklee's scientist discovered a muscadine that had an extra chromosome that no other grape has. Then they bought the contracts to these muscadine vinyards for the next ten years, so nobody can compete with them in this area.
Check out this video, it's neat.
You can email me if you want more info: I love my Vivix!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger minuteman9 said...

I am currently taking 400mg of Resveratrol from Rejenx (

I have noticed a significant increase in mental clarity.


At 10:48 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

You ought to try VIVIX:

10X more powerful than resveratrol alone. I think you'll find even more clarity, etc. 100% guaranteed!!

At 1:20 AM, Blogger Batista said...

Thanks for the post Charles. I am so excited about the resveratrol news that came out in early AND mid November (ie. the life extension and endurance increase studies).

Alcohol Rehab

At 8:15 AM, Blogger MT said...

Resveratrol is not alcohol - it just so happens to be in grapes and thus wine. It is also sold in pure form in dietary supplements. It is also found naturally in chocolate, peanuts, berries, and other plants.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

While I would love to source Resveratol, there is no way to separate the wheat from the chaffe in this blog...everybody is either pitching their product or pitching their MLM.

Even the people who write the articles or appear on TV cannot be trusted to be a definitive source as everybody seems to have a stake in their company or partner being mentioned.

I am frustrated by the proliferation of misinformation and self-promotion, and simply want a viable product at a viable price with a viable dose.

Anybody here want to cut through the crap and net it out for me?


At 6:23 PM, Blogger Health Explosion said...

It seems that you need to do your own research, since you don't trust anything posted here.

My advice would be to google "resveratrol research". See whose names come up as doing the most and the latest research. Then try to find out which products are based on this research.

Then, research the company that has the product you decide on.

There are a lot of resveratrol products out there. If you're going to invest the money into using it, you should make sure you're getting the best product available.

Good luck.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger MT said...

I take 300 to 500 mg of 99% pure resveratrol per day. The science surrounding resveratrol is still fairly new so there is no standard dosage measure on which to rely. Personally, I believe moderation is the key. For what it's worth, I have been taking resveratrol since 2003 and feel great.

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Researchers are now finding out and agreeing that 100mg per day is the perfect dosage and is exactly what is in Vivix.

Not advertising, but if we do not tell people about Vivix, the best selling resveratrol in the country in just 2 months time with NO advertising, they will never know about it, because our company does not spend their money on advertising. They would rather spend it on Research and Developemnt and Quality Assurance!!!! And I am so glad they do.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Resveratrol can help you to lead a long and healthy life so says Dr. Oz.
Red wine alone does not supply enough resveratrol to achieve the
full range of benefits because one glass of red wine has only about
1mg of resveratrol and you need about 250mg/day. You need to take
high potency resveratrol supplements to achieve the results documented
in scientific studies.Resveratrol Supplements can also help you control
your weight naturally by increasing energy, reducing cravings, and limiting
your appetite.According to Wikipedia, Consumer Lab, an independent dietary
supplement and over the counter products evaluation organization,
published a report on 13 November 2007 on the popular resveratrol
supplements. The organization reported that there exists a wide range
in quality, dose, and price among the 13 resveratrol products
evaluated. The actual amount of resveratrol contained in the
different brands range from 2.2mg for Revatrol, which claimed to have
400mg of "Red Wine Grape Complex", to 500mg for Transmax,
which is consistent with the amount claimed on the product's label.
Prices per 100mg of resveratrol ranged from less than $.30 for
products made by, jarrow, and country life, to a high of
$45.27 for the Revatrol brand.

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

There's been so much advertising going on here that I hesitate to add a product comment because I have no commercial interest here; just to spread a little relevant information which should be the purpose of this site anyway. In any event, good news; the manufacturer of my resveratrol supplement Resvantage has now introduced a resveratrol supplement for dogs Resvantage Canine which is a supurb custom formulation of 5mgs. resveratrol together with vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acids and lecithin. A lot of thought must have gone into this perfect longevity enhancer. I'm really happy they did this because I'm a little leary of having my heart broken every 12 or 13 years along with a pile of vet bills in the final days. Thanks, very insightful!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Julia said...

Is the resveratrol in Shaklee's Vivix, in some form of synthetic? That is all that Dr Sinclair's Pharmaceutical company does is synthetic molecules doesnt't it?

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Julia said...

Also, didn't someone say that the resveratrol is only in the skin and seeds of the muscadine grape? Is it okay to eat the seeds?

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:13 AM, Blogger Julia said...

Thank you for your answer Marcia. Do you or anyone know what the following means from Shaklee's ingredient glossary titled "Scientifically Formulated Ingredients" and follows with:
"Sometimes, a sufficiently concentrated source of an ingredient cannot be found in nature, nor can it be derived from natural sources. In these instances, advances in nutritional technology allow us to use highly bioavailable ingredients
formulated from biochemical building blocks. Whenever we use these types of ingredients, they are tested thoroughly to ensure bioavailability, purity, and potency. The B vitamin, folic acid, is an example of a nutrient that is formulated from biochemical building blocks and in clinical studies has been proven to be more bioavailable than the folate found in foods."

What are biochemical building blocks? This seems like synthetic nutrients to me. They admit that they are making some of the nutrients out of something besides "food." They plainly say that the nutrients made from biochemical building blocks are more bioavailable then nutrients found in food."

I have bought from Shaklee for over 20 years and I have never seen this language before.

Anybody else bothered by this? It does not sound like Dr. Shaklee's philosophy for his company. I have always trusted that his name stood for products manufactured as close to the way God made them grow in nature....full of life and energy.

Synthetic nutrients is an oxymoron. Synthetics have NO nutrients...only artificial molecules "acting AS IF they are nutrients” trying to fool our bodies into thinking they are alive.

The only energy that artificial- synthetic-chemical-man-made-in-a-laboratory molecules produce is the energy of our bodies trying to eliminate them before they kill us!! That energy rush you feel after taking synthesized nutrients that are imitating the "real thing" is like an army rushing to defend our innocent trusting miracle called our bodies.

As you can tell I am in the camp that does not want to ingest ANY synthetics. To me they are the same as drugs. They are copies and they are made from lifeless material. We ARE what we eat. What we eat must give us energy or it turns into free radicals and our body then needs to find a way to protect us from them. So it tries to eliminate it or stores it in a “small trash bags” called your Lymph System” or "larger trash bags" called a tumors or “belly fat” or numerous other places to stash the invaders. When nutrients are taken out of the safety of the way they naturally occur in nature which is combined with other nutrients that balance it for our bodies to use safely they become free radicals. Anything isolated and concentrated and void of life causes side effects just like drugs do.

At 1:23 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Hi Julia, you can contact Shaklee directly for those answers. Do you have an upline who can help you? Be assured, Shaklee uses nothing artificial, ever. Do not be concerned about that.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

No need to wait 4-5 more years to start taking Resveratrol pharmacuticals. There is a natural supplement that was just brought to market back in August 2008 that was formulated by the one and only leading Resveratrol researcher, Dr David Sinclair. You can learn more about this amazing product by going to

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Resveratrol can help you to lead a long and healthy life so says many
doctors. Red wine alone does not supply enough resveratrol to achieve the
full range of benefits because one glass of red wine has only about
1mg of resveratrol and you need about 250mg/day. You need to take
high potency resveratrol supplements to achieve the results documented
in scientific studies.Resveratrol Supplements can also help you control
your weight naturally by increasing energy, reducing cravings, and limiting
your appetite.According to Wikipedia, Consumer Lab, an independent dietary
supplement and over the counter products evaluation organization,
published a report on 13 November 2007 on the popular resveratrol
supplements. The organization reported that there exists a wide range
in quality, dose, and price among the 13 resveratrol products
evaluated. The actual amount of resveratrol contained in the
different brands range from 2.2mg for Revatrol, which claimed to have
400mg of "Red Wine Grape Complex", to 500mg for Transmax,
which is consistent with the amount claimed on the product's label.
Prices per 100mg of resveratrol ranged from less than $.30 for
products made by, jarrow, and country life, to a high of
$45.27 for the Revatrol brand.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger AHE said...

Out of curiosity, which brands of Resveratrol supplements do most people on here take? Has anyone tried to compare different brands to see which one works best?

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

isXperia has resveratrol in a iso-osmotic state with 30 mg of resveratrol! The product also contains 542mg of OPC's and Bioflavonoids including the entire grape, vitamin C, pinewood bark, amalyse, bilberry, folic acid, B12 and much more! No sand or fillers, all pure product that goes into your system within 5-10 minutes!

You can view more details at If you sign up as a FREE MEMBER you can receive the product at wholesale cost.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger MT said...

There are alot of good products out there. I take 99% pure resveratrol derived from polygonum cuspidatum. It can be bought in powder or pill form. Micronized Reseratrol is also available - it is better absorbed than plain resveratrol because it has been reduced to very very small molecules. That is, one does not need to take as much micronized resveratrol. Also, find a resveratrol product that is independently tested.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

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At 11:07 AM, Blogger Wisecore said...

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At 11:07 AM, Blogger Wisecore said...

Hi Everyone...Well... i have been experimenting with a lot of supplements since past 7 years as i am a naturopath/EFT/NLP therapist so my work requires me to do so. What i have discovered over the period of time that each human body has a unique way of using a supplement or nutrient according to its brain and biological chemistry. This is as unique a situation as our finger prints! I have experience with most nootropics and herbs that are beneficial for us and resveratrol is at the top of my list when it comes overall uplift or facelifting our health. I have noticed that when i take between 5 and 15mg of resveratrol with my ADAM multivitamin (from NowFoods)i get a serene and potent feeling of well being with a lot of energy at my disposal. My memory has improved dramatically so has concentration and focus. Immunity has improved noticibily as well. I tried higher doses and they caused uneasiness and drained feeling later on in the evening. It seem that not only it tempers with copper in the body, it also depletes B vitamins as well if taken in high doses only. I have seen time and again that nature is pure and effortless intelligence and most often than not, in nature less is often more!
For general well being I do take a lot of supplements like ginkgo, gotu kola, additional vitamin C and B complex, mixed green powders, CoQ10, colostrum, whey protein powder and milk thistle from time to time, but always in small doses. And I have been reaping fantastic rewards because of this "mimic after nature" approach! I would suggest that exercise and some form of meditative practice also is a must if one wants to make these supplements and nutrients work really optimally in the body. I always ask my clients to develop restraint and discipline about their health and supplement intake, which is rather a lifestyle and that is what i focus on... key word = LifeStyle!!! :)

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I have been taking OPC-3 for several years and was excited about the research that came out about resveratrol. I have been taking the product for about two months and have noticed a definite improvement in my endurance and alertness. I take my vitamins in the liquid - isotonic form to get maximum bio availability and results. I've tried cheaper capsule and tablet forms and they haven't been as effective for me. Resveratrol
Is where I order my products from.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...


AHE asked about a resveratrol supplement a few entries above. I take the Resvantage resveratrol supplement which has 15mgs. of resveratrol in a highly bioactive liquid form. I've tried others but this manufacturer is the only one that's got it right.

They encapsulate their resveratrol in an oxygen-free environment so that the resveratrol content doesn't degrade. Experts all agree that resveratrol oxidizes with any exposure to air.

Recently I received news from the company that Resvantage now has a resveratrol supplement for dogs called Resvantage Canine. I ordered some and now have my dog on it too. A longevity supplement for dogs is highly desirable. If you're a dog owner, you'll know that not only is their lifespan short to begin with, but there's also the threat and high incidence of cancer in dogs.

CBS News 4 Denver ran a story recently about extending the lifespan of animals and lowering the incidence of cancer. I have provided the link below for anyone who wishes to read it.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Casey said...

Hi, I am a first time user of Resveratrol. I also just found out that I have hypothyroidism and am wondering if it is safe to take Resveratrol with Synthroid. I have been on the Synthroid for about 2wks now and just started taking the Resveratrol today..I have never had any other health issues til this and have been extremely active in sports my whole life so this news was pretty discouraging.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Matt said...


It would be irresponsible for a non medical person to give you across the board advice as to whether or not its safe to take a product when you are currently facing another medical challenge. My first advice to you is to contact the doctor who is treating you, take the product with you, and ask him/her this question "Is their anything in here that could interfere with my condition/treatment" I would also suggest (probably better) that you speak to the dispensing pharmacist and ask the same question.

I have forwarded your question to my medical advisory board to see if their is an answer that they could give you. If oyu need to reach me, I believe you cna do so by clicking on my profile tag.


At 3:52 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Good advice, always check with your doctor.

I just happen to know my product is safe and effective.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Blake the Snake said...

Tonight I read an article in Men's health about how science is growing in it's understanding of how our cell's Mitochondria's function is directly related to your bodies energy and aging issues. The article introduced my to the compound Resveratrol.. After I googled this term I found even more prudent and attractive information. After reading some of the testomonials on this site I am ready to start my regimen. Any advice on where to order from. I noticed several sights offering this product. Someone please offer there advice based upon thier experience. Also is there any way to measure how much you recieve from a glass of red win.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger MT said...

There are several companies out there offering 98 to 99% pure resveratrol - both in pill and powder form. You can also purchase micronized resveratrol,which is basically just resveratrol ground up into a much smaller particle size so it is absorbed better by the intestine. The goal is to get the resveratrol into the bloodstream so that it can repair the cell's DNA. Make sure the product you purchase has been analyzed for potency and purity by an independent lab.

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

If you do your research you will find that nothing can touch Vivix.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Hi Blake,

You've asked about the resveratrol content in wine and here's what I've found out after researching this for myself: Various wines have more resveratrol than others. And reds have more than white except for musccadine. The grape plant (and other plants) produce resveratrol as a protectant against stressful conditions such as fungus, so if a grape is grown in a hot dry region; say a Shiraz from Australia, there is very little resveratrol present in the wine. If it is a Pinot Noir grape from the Willamette Valley in Oregon or Burgandy, France, it will have a decent amount of resveratrol. And that might be 1 to 2.5 mgs. in the entire bottle. If you drink half one night and re-cork the bottle for another, count on there being no resveratrol on the second day because resveratrol begins oxidizing immediately upon being exposed to light and oxygen.

According to extensive research studies, it takes about 15 mgs. to activate the SIRT-1 gene, so supplementation is a good idea in addition to the "right" wine consumption.

Personally, I'm a little disgusted by the fact that each time someone asks for a referral to a brand, the commercial types come out of the woodwork to hawk their own brand regardless of whether its any good or not. And most of these supplements aren't any good because of the oxidation problem I mentioned earlier. There is only one company in the entire resveratrol universe who has gotten a grip on this and produced a liquid filled capsule in an oxygen-free environment to protect the resveratrol molecule from oxidation. It's called Resvantage and this is the one that 've been taking for about 16 months now.
I am convinced that their claim that "it's the highest quality resveratrol supplement on the market today" is well founded and speaks the truth.

Additionally, they have the dose thing figured out as well. If 15mgs. is what's necessary to get the correct biological effects, why take more? And with the half life of resveratrol being short, with 15mgs., you can take 2 a day (one each at 12 hour intervals, like breakfast and dinner) without any long term side effects or consequences that the mega-dosers might be subjecting themselves to.

I hope this has been helpful to you. I have seen some great things over time from taking Resvantage. Most notably is a significant drop in my cholesterol level, greater energy, better musculature, improved vision and mental acuity and sounder sleep.

One last thing. If it means anything to you, a couple of months ago the company I use, Resvantage introduced a resveratrol supplement for dogs called Resvantage Canine. It's got 5mgs. of resveratrol plus other nutrients essential for a dog's well-being. It's a great idea and I've got my dog on it and it seems to agree with him. I'm seeing alot of improvement. Animals are the subjects of many of the resveratrol studies and they have responded well to resveratrol supplementation; particularly with less cancer and diabeties. CBS News Denver did a great story about this.

Here's a link to it and even if you don't have a dog, you should read it because it has a lot of relevancy to humans as well.

I hope this is helpful to you. Good luck with your search.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger RaymentW said...

I take 50 to 100 mg per day. I am not very consistent about it, but I think the resveratrol is helping stave off the aging process, although it is hard to tell since I have only been doing it for about a year. From reading the info here, I think perhaps I should be taking higher doses. However, what I currently take is equivalent to more resveratrol than is in a bottle of wine every day. I figure, if a bit of wine helps the French paradoxically live longer, this ought to help me out.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger MT said...

Human studies are ongoing as to determine the recommended dosage of resveratrol per day. While many people seem to benefit from lower doses (like yourself) others are taking upwards of 6 grams of pure resveratrol per day. It May be likely that different dosages are needed depending on what one is intending to accomplish; for instance, if one is merely trying to maintain their health and stave off old age Maybe a lower dose is appropriate; on the other hand, if one is fighting off an existing disease such as cancer or alzheimer's, maybe a higher dose is appropriate. We will know more when the results from human studies come in. Note: See the 'recent news' part of the site which has information on dosage studies. All the best.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Acai is now being shown as an incredible anti-aging product as well as Resveratrol. There is a company, isXperia, who is just about to release a product with 30mg of Acai and 95mg of Resveratrol per serving! This product is normally a twice a day product. I suggest you take a look and research both ingredients, we are extremely excited to have both ingredients now in the OPC+ antioxidant. I have been using this product for over a year. With the new ingredients/formula the company had a backorder and I have been without OPC+ for a month now. My husband and I are noticing a huge difference in how we feel, we are more sluggish, getting a little sick, just more grogy and a little more stressed than usual, I can also tell a difference in my skin. We can't wait to get the new product and start our regime again! You can reivew this product at

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Watch this video on the science of Aging:

Here's what I take to slow down the aging process in my own body:

Please tell everyone about this! Everyone wants to know how to slow down the aging process!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger JBS said...

I have stage 4 breast cancer. Does anyone have a comment about this product having any helpful effects?Any side effects from using this product?

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

I had a client with prostate cancer start on Vivix ( at the end of Dec. in 13 days he had more energy and his first pain free day in a very long time. He loves this stuff and cannot stop telling everyone he knows. Message me if you want to talk further please.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger parachute said...

I'm new to this forum on Resveratrol. I happened across a news program and learned of the benefits from this substance, I had known from years ago that red wine was a good source of antioxidates that were beneficial to cardiac health. So what is a therapeutic dose for an adult male? Is the persons age a factor? Were is a good, reliable source of Resveratrol?

At 12:39 AM, Blogger MT said...

God Bless:
From website "A 2008 study from the National Institutes of Health indicates Resveratrol is an excellent candidate for treatment of some forms of breast cancer. Specifically, resveratrol strongly inhibited BRCA1-mutant tumor growth in cultured cells and animal models. According to the study's lead author Dr. Chu-Xia Deng, "Resveratrol may serve as an excellent compound for targeted therapy for BRCA1 associated breast cancers" Also, "In July of 2008 researchers at the University of Nebraska announced Resveratrol may prevent breast cancer. According to the researchers, "Resveratrol has the ability to prevent the first step that occurs when estrogen starts the process that leads to cancer...We believe that this could stop the whole progression that leads to breast cancer down the road".

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

That 60 min. piece was great but we don't have to wait for a great product! Read my posts and you'll see, we already have it. 100mg. is what the current science suggests.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger MT said...

On the 60 Minutes piece the pills Sirtris scientists were touting were 250mg of pure resveratrol (perhaps with an additive to enhance absorption). As for resveratrol companies, I try not to recommend them on this blog. My advice is to do your research. Spend the time you need to get comfotable with the company you are going to purchae from. Ensure that the product is tested by independent labs to ensure potency and purity of product. I have found the best way to do research is on the internet.
Best of luck to you.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

So many tests and studies are still being performed on how much reseveratrol we actually need. The French who have been absorbing it for decades certainly do not need as much as Americans who are relatively new. The newest study I have heard was 150mg per day. A good absorption additive, preferrably in an iso-osmotic capable form helps the ingredients absorb at a great rate and intensity, namely 5-10 minutes. I suggest you look at this new formula of an antioxidant OPC+ that contains 190mg of Resveratrol and the Acai berry.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Peg Jr said...

Hey MT

I know you said you do not recommened on this blog, but I like what you have to say and after doing a lot of research. I would like to know what company you buy yours from.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Wow! One CBS broadcast on resveratrol and they all come out of the woodwork to hype their resveratrol supplements. Where has everyone been. This story has been told in one fashion or another in several newscasts and specials for the last several years.

And for all you Shakleeites, Dr. Sinclair who was a spoksman for them has stated publicly that Shaklee was misrepresenting their product and making false claims. This is on the record and relatively easy to verify.

The truth of the matter is that and resveratrol in a drink or pill oxidizes and has been show in independant laboratory studies to contain less resveratrol than is represented on just about every manufacturers label.

There is only one good resveratrol supplement on the market today and it's Resvantage. And the reason is that the manufacturer has it encapsulated in an oxygen free environment to protect it from degrading like 9 out of 10 of the other brands do.

Check out the following story regarding this on NPR.
Here's the link;

And the second part of this equation is everybody that knows nothing about medical research coming out with their recommendations as to the correct dosage. I've never read anything on this site regarding doseage, so let me lead you to it.

Have a look at the following links to see what the scientists studying resveratrol say about resveratrol doseages, not these uninformed hucksters. You'll see that all the latest scientific advances in combatting the age related diseases are with low dosages.

The WebMD article on Diabetes quotes one of the researchers, Dr. Zhai as saying it takes 15 milligrams to get the biological effects.

Eleanor Rogan, Ph.D at the University of Nebraske Medical Center, states that her research in breast cancer prevention has shown effectiveness in low concentrations of resveratrol. Less than a milligram.

The manufactures make this stuff in high doses to try to outdo each other and garner market share. The actual medical studies indicate how irresponsible these companies are. Or maybe they just know that whatever amount of resveratrol that they put into their supplement won't be ther long because of the oxidation problem associated.

I'm grateful that the Resvantage resveratrol supplement that I take has the correct dose; 15 mgs. and that they safeguard it's potency by encapsulating it properly unlike every other brand on the market.

I can see and feel the benefits from taking low dose resveratrol which have been supported by the analysis of my blood work pre and post Resvantage. And I have the piece of mind of knowing that I'm taking a stable product.

At 10:08 AM, Blogger MT said...

Peg Jr.

I take 99% pure resveratrol - 500 mg per day. Cheers! MT

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Peg Jr said...

Thanks MT,

Once again you do a great job of not selling a certain site. I found a 99% pure site very low emodin. The capsule are 500mg Yielding: Trans-Resveratrol: 495mg
does that sound about what your are taking. Waybe you could give me a hint? Like the frist 4 leters of the site? Do you think I should start with a lower dose or just start with 500mg a day. This is the first time I have take this.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger MT said...

Peg Jr,
I'd rather not talk about brands but it sounds like you are on the right track. Just make sure the purity and potency of the resveratrol are independently tested. Good Luck!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

In my comments of 1-27-09 I inadvertently omitted 2 words which would have added to the understanding of the point I was leading to. I stated "I've never read anything on this site regarding doseage." This should have read: I've never read anything on this site regarding doseage that was anything but speculation or anecdotal.

Certainly there is much talk about dosage on this blog but nothing backed up by science. I offered the links to 3 articles which describe medical breakthroughs all with low dose resveratrol. In the WebMD report it is told that Dr Richard Weindruch, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of medicine discovered that resveratrol is active in much lower doses than previously thought and he is quoted as saying "This brings down the dose of resveratrol toward the consumption reality mode."

I encourage anyone reading this to copy and paste the links I offered in my comments of 1-27-09 to their browser and find out info on dosages for themselves from factual reports derived from published medical studies and cut out the speculation.

15mgs. is what it takes to activate the SIRT1 gene. It's either on or off. 250 or 500 mgs. don't do anything more than 15mgs. as far as gene activation is concerned except one thing; it chelates important minerals from your system. Particularly copper which is necessary for the production of collagen. And there have been reports of tendonitis from people taking the larger doses.

And lastly, in the event that you self-dosing pseudo scientists don't know how long resveratrol works, I'll offer up these facts about its bioavailability i.e. absorption and half-life excerpted directly from the NIH (National Institute of Health). "In humans, following its absorption, it is readily metabolized by the liver and the resveratrol metabolites have a plasma half life of 9.2 hours.

The take away point here is that keeping the SIRT1 gene continually activated is as important as the dose. And that means taking resveratrol twice a day at 12 hour intervals so that you can keep an even level of resveratrol in your system and keep the SIRT1 gene constantly in the protective mode.

You can't take the larger doses twice a day without risk because 2 X 500 is 1,000 and you have no idea what are the longer term implications of taking these unnessary quantities.

If 15mgs. is the amount necessary to get the biological effects from resveratrol, it is advisable to take 15mgs. And further it is advisable to do this twice a day to keep the SIRT1 gene activated round the clock. And with this lower dose you will avoid any unforseen consequences like stripping your body of important minerals and over thinning your blood.

Putting 10,000 volts into a 150watt light bulb doesn't make it burn any brighter. In fact, it blows it out.

The SIRT1 gene is either on or off, there's no rheostat here. 15mgs. twice a day at 12 hour intervals.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that the brand I use, Resvantage also makes a resveratrol supplement for dogs called Resvantage Canine.

On that note, here's a worthwhile link to a study conducted by researchers in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department at Colorado University-Denver as reported by CBS News. It's good reading and there's a video on the same site with a live interview with the department Chair, Dr. Robert Sclafani. I recommend you copy and paste this to your browser if you have a dog or not since Dr. Sclafani has worked with human cell lines as well as animal in this study.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Landscape Poet said...

If one person states in here that resveratrol degrades when in an oxygenated environment, and another sends me to the genesis product that has reseveratrol in a liquid antioxidant concoction, how can the genesis be a worthy product? How can their resveratrol not be degrading? And all these people who claim "more energry!, younger!", that sounds like the placebo effect to me, (which is fine because that has some efficacy to itself), but this product is NOT to turn back the clock, but to slow it down. So it won't energize you, it will simply keep you at your current level longer. Why wouldn't sirtis be out there with their own product already, not as a drug, but a s a supplememnt, if they were positive about dosage and no side effects, etc.?

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Because Sirtis is a drug company, not a natural supplement co. We used the same research to develop our natural product though. And, we made it so that it is safe and liquid form!!

At 2:35 AM, Blogger MT said...

From the 60 minutes video, GSK seemed to be promoting 250 mg pure resveratrol pills. You can purchase these pills without a presciption. Watch the 60 minutes video - to watch, go to the "resveratrol videos" link on
In sum, we don't need to get a prescription to benefit BIG from anti aging science.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Peg Jr said...

My wife would like to start taking also, what kind of does should she take. Is there any reason that a women should not take this?

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

You can both take this safely: It is 100mg. and is equal to the resveratrol in 100 glasses of red wine. I have been taking it for 5 months and have better night vision, better skin, faster healing of any cuts or wounds, more clarity overall, all bone and joint pain gone and more that I cannot think of right now! AMAZING! :)

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Wisecore said...

Well i am tired of marcia's network marketing stuff as she is the first one to sell her shaj=klee maklee stuff! I have tried various dosages from different brands and what i have found that 5 to 15mg depending on your body weight and chemistry works best without flushing other nutrients from your system. the trick to the benefits is to take it consistantly over a longer period of time and in small doses (whatever minimal dose gives you a sense of wellbeing after u have used it for a few days). It is one small portion of my supplements that i take and i am a male, 35yrs of age with good health. Please dont believe what papers say just be reasonably intuitive with this polyphenol and it will surely help you in many ways.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

To you Wisecore; brilliant! You get it; low dose consistantly over a lifetime for rebuilding cellular damage and to slow down the advance of the age related diseases.

And I know this is what you have surmized, but you really nailed it on the dose thing. There is clinical evidence supporting your comments about taking consistant low doses and if you care to read about it, you can reference my last 2 bloggings to get the links to the studies.

And papabotta, quite right, resveratrol does indeed degrade (oxidizes) with conact of light or air. It is a highly volatile molecule and if not handled in an oxygen-free environment, it loses its value almost immediately. A bottle of wine, once opened, loses its resveratrol content within a couple of hours. And a bottle, re-corked and left overnight, there is no resveratrol present in the wine the next day.

Access the following link to the NIH (National Institute of Health)US Govt. report Page2 on "Bioavailability" and learn of this from hard evidence not from blog spam from drink salesman.

The brand I take has the correct dose (recent studies prove cancer & diabetes prevention at 1-15mgs.) See for yourself by accessing the links from my last 2 comments on this blog)

And the glycosylation process spoken about in the NIH article to protect the resveratrol molecule illustrates resveratrol's vulnerability from oxidative degradation. The resveratrol brand I take, Resvantage, does not need to glycosylate their resveratrol. Their capsules provide resveratrol in its pure organic unaltered state and stability of the molecule is achieved through a patented process that they co-opted from Pfizer (pharmaceutical companies use this process to protect the drugs which also might be vulnerable to oxidative degradation) that doesn't allow atmospheric conditions come in contact with the resveratrol.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

I apologize if I have offended anyone. That is not my intention. I am just very excited to get the word out about our product. It is difficult to contain my excitement, especially since I have the #1 seller of resveratrol, in just 5 months time. I wish you all would try it for just one month. You might change your minds! :) Whatever you use, I wish you the best of health and good luck.

At 3:43 AM, Blogger RichardP said...

I've been diagnosed with Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. I came across a study conducted by Marmara University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey that was published in Science Direct.

Wistar ablino rats were administered a 5 mg/kg of bleomcin one time, which caused extensive pulmonary oxidative damage. This was followed by resveratrol, 10 mg/kg, orally for 14 days. The resveratrol treatment reversed the lung damage caused by the bleomcin. They concluded that resveratrol may be a very promising agent in alleviating the damage of bleomycin, an effective chemotherapeutic agent.

Does anyone know of other IPF victims who have tried reservatrol, and if so, I would be interested in the results.

At 6:51 AM, Blogger Daniel Lundqvist said...

Make sure you all take a look at

They will offer the world first pure resveratrol spray.

Using it in your mouth will make the body absorb the formula better

At 9:49 AM, Blogger MT said...

Maybe you should speak with your doctor about starting a resveratrol regimen. Of course, resveratrol has been associated with many health benefits.

All the best with your condition.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger ToothSmarts said...

Recently, 60 minutes did a segment on the benefits of Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine that may extend our lives. It’s not really an anti aging solution but rather, it allegedly helps in the prevention of age related diseases. On Monday, I received an email from Vitamin Shoppe (I’m on their email list) touting the benefits of Resveratrol “…as seen on TV”.

I found this to be so interesting that I did a google search to determine if there were any links between Resveratrol and oral health. As it turns out, in a May 2006 article, Resveratrol was linked to the prevention of gingivitis. Here is a snippet from the article:

"A team of researchers in Quebec tested the effect of resveratrol, a polyphenol found in red wine, on mouse immune cells infected with two types of bacteria that cause gingivitis and, later, periodontal disease. They found that resveratrol helped prevent the reproduction and spread of the bacteria and also reduced tissue inflammation, a symptom of gingivitis. The results are slated to be published in the August issue of the Journal of Periodontology".

I wouldn’t go out and start drinking red wine in the hopes of curing gum disease. As it turns out, the pharma company (Sirtris) that was being featured on the show is developing a pharmacy form of Resveratrol wherein 1 pill is comparable to drinking 1,000 bottles of red wine a day.

So much for drinking your way to better health.

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:26 AM, Blogger said...

seems like resveratrol isn't that bioavailable. THink there are alot more options for increasing health.MUCH cheaper ones indeed.

Mol Nutr Food Res. 2009 Feb 4. [Epub ahead of print]
Pharmacokinetic and safety profile of trans-resveratrol in a rising multiple-dose study in healthy volunteers.
Almeida L, Vaz-da-Silva M, Falcão A, Soares E, Costa R, Loureiro AI, Fernandes-Lopes C, Rocha JF, Nunes T, Wright L, Soares-da-Silva P.
Department of Research and Development, BIAL - Portela & Co SA, S Mamede do Coronado, Portugal. Fax: +351-22-9866192.

This was a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study to investigate the pharmacokinetics and safety of trans-resveratrol. In four groups of ten healthy adult subjects (five males and five females), two subjects were randomized to receive placebo and eight subjects to receive trans-resveratrol 25, 50, 100 or 150 mg, six times/day, for thirteen doses. Peak plasma concentrations of trans-resveratrol were reached at 0.8-1.5 h postdose. Following the 13th dose of trans-resveratrol 25, 50, 100 and 150 mg, mean peak plasma concentration (C(max)) was 3.89, 7.39, 23.1 and 63.8 ng/mL and mean area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC(0-tau)) was 3.1, 11.2, 33.0 and 78.9 ng.h/mL. Interindividual variability was high, with coefficients of variation >40%. Trans-resveratrol half-life was 1-3 h following single-doses and 2-5 h following repeated dosing. Trough (C(min)) concentrations were less, not double equals1 ng/mL following 25 and 50 mg, 3 ng/mL following 100 mg and < 10 ng/mL following 150 mg. Trans-resveratrol pharmacokinetics showed circadian variation. Adverse events were mild in severity and similar between all groups. In conclusion, repeated administration was well-tolerated but produced relatively low plasma concentrations of trans-resveratrol, despite the high doses and short dosing interval used. Bioavailability was higher after morning administration.

PMID: 19194969

At 10:19 AM, Blogger MT said...

Thanks for the post. Resveratrol is not very bioavailable but that has been known for years. To overcome this new technologies and products have emerged in the last year or two: 1) Resveratrol is available in pure form (not the 25% pure or 50% formulations of years past); 2)Resveratrol is also available in mircronized pure form (the resveratrol particles are much smaller to increase absorbtion into the bloodstream); 3) pure micronized resveratrol or plain resveratrol can be added to emulsions such as HPMC, Sorbitol, or Tween 80 which Greatley increase bioavailability; 4)micronized resveratrol can be taken buccally or sublingually which puts the Resveratrol Directly into the bloodstream (bypassing the digestive tract) and erasing any issues of bioavailability. All of these technologies are available now and help to ensure that resveratrol gets into the bloodstream.

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Cris said...

I have a great source for resveratrol - organic, tested and backed by 3rd party reviewed science,guaranteed. Take a peak at I've been taking this since September and my thinking is clearer and sharper. 1 tsp a day is all you take.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Cris said...

I found this site. Check it out. It's full of information!

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Gerry Retief said...

I've been quoting some of the contents of this blog on the site of a Resveratrol group on Facebook here:
If any of the bloggers would like me to remove their comments from the group, please let me know at If not please join the group and also have a look at my blog here:

At 12:35 PM, Blogger bjlkj said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger bjlkj said...

Hi. I would like to know where I could buy this product. I can only imagine there must be so many that claim they are the real thing. Can you direct me where to buy it, please.


At 1:58 PM, Blogger MT said...

There are many companies that sell resveratrol online and an increasing number of retail stores that sell it. I would recommend buying resveratrol from a company that independently tests the purity and potency of its product. I take anywhere between 500 mg to 1 gram per day of 99% pure resveratrol (that is my preference but am not a doctor). Note that many products out there have purity levels far below 99% (e.g. 25 % or 50% pure). These less pure supplements are generally less expensive - but you may have to take more or it to get your desired dose.
I was in Coscto the other day and saw they were selling resveratrol - I picked up the bottle which was labled something like 'grape complex with resveratrol' - this product only had 15mg per pill but the pill was far bigger than 15mg. Obviously there were more things in the pill than resveratrol (things like grape skin extract and grape seed extract etc. - which I'm not saying are bad but just be aware of what you are buying - Always read (in detail) the labels.
Finally, David Sinclair of Harvard said you would have to drink the equivalent of 1000 bottles of red wine to get BIG benefits from resveratrol. There are pills on the market CURRENTLY that offer the equivalent resveratrol dosage of 1000 bottles of red wine with only taking one or two pills per day. My advice, spend an hour or two on some research. Good luck.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger bjlkj said...

thanks MT this is great advice. any particular brand you trust? i can read the labels, but again, since this is so new, i am not sure I can even trust the label. Sorry for the trouble. I hear so many horror stories about products from China and so on... What brand do you take?

At 8:03 PM, Blogger MT said...

Hi bibi,
I generally don't discuss or recommend brands. My recommendation is to research resveratrol on the web. GNC retail stores also have resveratrol. Good luck!

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Dr. David Sinclair, Associate Professor of Pathology and Director of the Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard School is a member of Shaklee's Advisory Board. Shaklee has introduced VIVIX, their revolutionary breakthrough, in the fight against cellular aging. A 30 day supply delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in to 3000 glasses of red wine.

If interested in additional information or purchasing VIVIX, please go to the website listed below.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger MT said...

Dr. Sinclair resigned from Shaklee's board recently.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Christy said...

Hey! I came across this page while trying to educated myself about Resveratrol even more. I've been drinking a juice called Vital Fruits that has 100 mg of Resveratrol in it plus 20 superfruits. It has an ORAC (antioxidant) rating of 4000 which is about 4 times is leading competitor. I've only been taking it for a month and feel more energized and healthier overall. It can be found at

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Karen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Has anyone used the BioShape as advertised on the Biotivia site? They recommend this along with the Bioforte Resveratrol for increased energy, loss of food cravings/appetite. After reading the blogs out here is appears that the Resveratrol alone does much of what the additional use of BioShape will do. Thanks for any information you may have. Taking both products would give me 1200mg and it seems a little much, especially when I read reports of loose stools with these products.

At 2:43 AM, Blogger Looney said...

aside from the liberal sprinkling of spam, I'm interested in the various forms, dosage, and transport mechanisms.

I've read that Resveratrol acts like an MAOI, does anyone have experience with MAOI like activity from Resveratrol, and if so, how do you space eating certain foods like dairy, or interactions with prescription or OTC medications (as well as other supplements, the quercitin comments were intruiging).

I've seen folks talking about using 5G a day therapeutically.

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Dan R Morris said...

Hello all, I'm Daniel Morris, creator of - an education site dedicated to all things resveratrol.

Anyway, several of the comments were about resveratrol dosage. As some have said, there's no hard and fast rule yet. Resveratrol is in such low concentration in wine that wine's benefits really can't be attributed to resveratrol alone.

Red wine is chock full of antioxidants and nutrients that act as antioxidants. Resveratrol is one of them of course.

While supplements are in much higher concentration than red wine itself, they can often be no better for you.

If you really want your money's worth, find either a pill that's sold in a blister pack, or a powder that's sold in individual serving packets. Otherwise, you're just getting product that's already been oxidized.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think this is a rip off. Dont do the free trial if you want to cancel you cant get them on the phone and there is no other way.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Jeffrey said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm glad to hear someone who understands about the oxidative degradition that resveratrol is subject to rendering it to little more than a placebo as is the case of most manufacturers offerings.

Your suggestion of finding a blister packed supplement is also good and the resveratrol supplement I am taking,and have been taking for about 2 years now, Resvantage is packaged in blister cards so I'm with you on that.

The Resvantage people have gone one step further than merely blister packing to protect the resveratrol content of their capsules. They have them encapsulated in an oxygen free environment which insures that there is no loss of potency due to the resveratrol molecule's vulnerability to oxidation from oxygen.

This is great because it takes the whole question of 'am I really geting resveratrol and is the dosage consistant with each capsule' regardless of its age, to a great extent.

And apart from containing losses in potency due to exposure to oxygen, the Resvantage people have gone one step further by using opaque capsules which protects the resveratrol content in them from exposute to light which is another contributing factor in the oxidative process.

This is the only product on the market with this sophisticated approach towards handling resveratrol and I have been watching all these new manufacturers come out of the blue and feel bad for those who don't do their homework and might not be getting the amount of resveratrol that they read on a label.

This is particularly so in the case of the resveratrol drinks. On top of being overly expensive, the resveratrol content is oxidized within a couple of hours of opening the bottle. The same holds true with the resveratrol content in red wine. Open a bottle and drink half and re-cork it for the next night and guess what; no resveratrol.

Resvantage has recently come out with a resveratrol supplement for dogs as well called Resvantage Canine which is great because I have my dog on it and most of the resveratrol research to-date has been on animals and has provided life extension for them as well as delaying the onset diseases prevalent with aging. So dog owners can now tap into this.

Some breeds are particularly vulnerable to cancer too, like my boxer, so I am living without holding my breath about this so much as a result of having him on Resvantage Canine.

Here's a link to a study written up by CBS News about animal longevity and anti-cancer benefits of resveratrol, should this be of interest to anyone out there.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger tricia said...

i have tried Resveratrol, and it did nothing for me. so i proceeded to return the product as promised i could. heres where the problems have occured. i was on hold the first time for over a hour and a half and the second time today for over 52 minutes. never once did i talk with a human. so if you desire to use this product please know for sure before you "try" the product because, in my case they never made good of the promise of 100% satisifaction, because the phone calls were never answered, there for my time of 15 days for a refund, minus the shipping was never honored! what ever happened to the holding someone or some company at its word? im highly dissappointed and would not recommened the company as trust worthy! i hope you find good and honoring customer service elsewhere! there are other co. presenting the product. look it up for yourself.just my experience, tricia chacon

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Best Resveratrol Available said...

Tricia, would you mind telling us what company that was and how long you took it? Thanks.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Hello all. I haven't posted for awhile but have continued to stay up on all of the comments. Tricia and anyone else interested. I represent a company that contains 95mg of Resveratrol in each serving which we recommend two servings a day. We use an iso-osmotic OPC which is phenomenoal for providing many different form of health relief; joint pain, energy, weight loss, cardiovascular, stress, depression, mental clarity and so much more. We give away free samples which are 5-10 days worth of product for free. No shipping, no cost absolutely free. Our customer service is impeccable and on top of of customer calls. If you would like to research our product, delivery system more in detail please go to After being in business less than two years we are now going world-wide and have our product with many doctors, chiropractors, pharmacies and health food stores. We truly have amazing results and people are anxious to let us know. Feel free to look in our In the News to see the testimonials and articles. Again, There is no hidden agenda other than to get people to like use and enjoy our product. Thanks everyone, have a great day! Stephanie

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Wendy Bottrrell said...

I have been using Symmetry's Genesis for a number of years. I find it very beneficial for exercising, and feel it helps me look younger as well. It is a juice, tastes really great and each ounce of Genesis is like drinking the equal to a bottle of red wine. Here is the website for Genesis:
In Health, Wendy

At 11:44 PM, Blogger prayers4austin said...

I LOVE Resveratrol in the form a a juice! It's called Genesis and I found it at

it really has changed my life!

I feel amazing! My husband and I wish we knew about it sooner! Everything at this site has been fantastic but if for some reason it's not they give a 100% money back no questions so it's worth trying!

The juice tastes so good my 3 and 5 year old boys love it!

It's better than a pill because it absorbes into your body so much faster and you feel it right away! by far the best and made in america!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger prayers4austin said...

for $1.11 per day you can get an amazing product!!!

It helped my son when he was sick!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger prayers4austin said...

I LOVE Resveratrol in the form a a juice! It's called Genesis and I found it at

it really has changed my life!

I feel amazing! My husband and I wish we knew about it sooner! Everything at this site has been fantastic but if for some reason it's not they give a 100% money back no questions so it's worth trying!

The juice tastes so good my 3 and 5 year old boys love it!

It's better than a pill because it absorbes into your body so much faster and you feel it right away! by far the best and made in america!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger prayers4austin said...

I LOVE Resveratrol in the form a a juice! It's called Genesis and I found it at

it really has changed my life!

I feel amazing! My husband and I wish we knew about it sooner! Everything at this site has been fantastic but if for some reason it's not they give a 100% money back no questions so it's worth trying!

The juice tastes so good my 3 and 5 year old boys love it!

It's better than a pill because it absorbes into your body so much faster and you feel it right away! by far the best and made in america!

At 3:13 PM, Blogger cbw said...

has anyone had any skin changes? I have heard advertisements claiming fewer wrinkles, younger looking skin.
That plus weight loss peaked my interest in resveratrol...


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